Stop Choosing Easy

When it’s time to choose between easy and your truth, I hope you choose you.


Choose you because you haven’t come this far to choose easy.

You may not have made this choice in the past, and that’s ok. It may terrify you to make this choice, and that’s okay too.

I know it’s uncomfortable to choose yourself when you’ve grown so used to sacrificing for others. We don’t do that anymore. It doesn’t serve anyone that is worth choosing to put them ahead of you, anymore.

What remains, remains. What falls away, was never meant to be there. Trust in your worth in choosing you and stop waiting for someone else to tell you you are already everything you’re looking for.

Choose truth. Choose you.



Halley Elizabeth

Living the journey of discovery, solo-parenting, and transitioning from the head to the heart. I support humans in their humanness by sharing stories of my own